4 Must-Have Hair Accessories for Curly Girls

Your little one loves her curls and loves rocking innovative do’s. These must-have hair accessories add spice, flare, and more to any hairstyle. Check out these four accessories your little one can rock to stand out. 

Hair Bobbles

Hair bobbles can be used at the top, bottom, or both of any ponytail. They come in all different colors and shapes. Hair bobbles also add a little more weight to your little ones’ braids or twist while matching her cute fit. 

Zoe loves wearing her bobbles at the top of her ponytails and the bottom of her twist to tuck in her ends. 


Beads are an all-time favorite. They make any braids come alive with their different colors, shapes, and patterns. You can match your beads to your outfit or mix match the colors for a rainbow effect. 

Zoe loves adding beads to the bottom of her braids, especially when she has a braided bang.


Hair barrettes do the job every single time. You can add a barrette at the end of your twist and braid to your scalp or in the middle of your puff, braid, or twist for added style. 

Depending on the placement of the barrette, it can be used to tuck your ends in a style, minimize flyaways, or a perfect statement piece.

Butterfly Clips 

Butterfly clips are so versatile. You can add them to your puff, bun, braids, twist, and even your slick back. They create a 3D effect with colorful butterflies that make any outfit look whimsical and cute. 

Hair accessories help your little one express themselves while looking like a star. Zoe shares her favorite hairstyles with her accessories every week on her Youtube channel. You can also see some of her styles alongside her curlfriends right on Instagram. Follow us and share your looks with us at @healthyrootsdolls

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